Everybody loves to read and hear facts about something. Butterfly facts are no different. Well, actually they are. For some reason I find them even more interesting than many other topics close to my heart. Perhaps it’s the fact they are in so many ways a mysterious creature.
Where do they all disappear to at the end of the day for example? One moment the fields are full of glittering wings, the next the skies are completely empty and not a single butterfly can be seen anywhere on any bush, branch or blade of grass. Sure, I know they don’t fly at night or when the tempertaure drops below a certain amount, but how come they just… well, disappear like that. So well hidden!
Hey, I’ll have to read my own butterfly facts to see if I can find out!
Well you’ll certainly enjoy reading this lot. I’ve tried to corner as many short facts as I can from many different sources. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed reading them and displaying them here for you.
Butterfly Facts 1
- Butterflies (as well as moths) belong to the large group of insects known as Lepidoptera. This comes from the Greek word and means ‘scaly winged’.
- ‘Scaly winged’ perfectly suits the insects in this group because their wings are covered with thousands of tiny scales overlapping in rows. The scales, which are arranged in colorful designs unique to each species, are what gives the butterfly its beauty and colour. There are about 125,000 scales per square inch which overlap, like shingles on a roof.
- Many people have heard the term Lepidoptera, but what most people don’t realise is that Butterflies alone are called Papilionoidea – which is the superfamily of butterflies.
- A butterfly has compound eyes: each eye is made up of about 6,000 tiny parts called lenses, which let in light.
- Butterflies do not get bigger as they age – a young butterfly is a caterpillar!
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